Home / Expert Answers / Chemistry / classify-each-of-the-following-as-an-alkane-an-alkene-an-alkyne-or-an-aromatic-compound-and-as-sa-pa999

(Solved): Classify each of the following as an alkane, an alkene, an alkyne or an aromatic compound and as sa ...

Classify each of the following as an alkane, an alkene, an alkyne or an aromatic compound and as saturated or unsaturated.
Classify each of the following as an alkane, an alkene, an alkyne or an aromatic compound and as saturated or unsaturated. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline compound & classification & saturated/unsaturated \\ \hline & & \\ \hline \end{tabular}

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Here we have to tell whether given compound is Alkane, Alkene, Aromatic and Saturated or Unsaturated
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