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Carbon 13 NMR
Provide a structure for a compound with a molecular formula of \( \mathbf{C}_{8} ...
Carbon 13 NMR
Provide a structure for a compound with a molecular formula of \( \mathbf{C}_{8} \mathbf{H}_{14} \mathbf{O}_{3} \) that is consistent with the following spectra. ASSIGN all relevant peaks in the IR spectrum with the appropriate functional groups. Label each proton in your proposed answer (e.g., a, b, c, etc.) and ASSIGN those labels to the corresponding peaks in the \( { }^{1} \mathrm{H} \) NMR spectrum. To confirm your choice, STATE the number of hydrogen atoms that correspond to a particular label and PREDICT the splitting patterns for he protons in your proposed structure. ESTIMATE/CALCULATE the chemical shift of distinct each hydrogen. Label each carbon atom in your proposed answer (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) and assign those labels to the corresponding peaks in the \( { }^{13} \mathrm{C} \) NMR pectrum. Finally, in the boxes provided below DRAW the ion structures for two of the larger fragments in the mass pectrum at \( \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{z}=71 \) and \( \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{z}=115 \).