Home / Expert Answers / Advanced Physics / calculate-the-average-larmor-radius-and-frequency-of-the-electrons-in-the-solar-chromospheric-plas-pa778

(Solved): Calculate the average Larmor radius and frequency of the electrons in the solar chromospheric plas ...

Calculate the average Larmor radius and frequency of the electrons in the solar chromospheric plasma \( (T= \) \( \left.10^{4

Calculate the average Larmor radius and frequency of the electrons in the solar chromospheric plasma \( (T= \) \( \left.10^{4} K\right) \) and solar coronal plasma \( \left(T=10^{6} K\right) \). Assume that the external magnetic field is \( B=10^{-3} T \) in both cases. The average speed of the electron is linked to their thermodynamic temperature as \( =\sqrt{\frac{8 k T}{\pi m}} \), where \( k \) is a Boltzmann constant and \( m_{e} \) is the mass of the electron.

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SOLUTION The Larmor radius and Larmor frequency of the electrons are obtained by an expression Larmor radius (rL)=?L Larmor frequency (?L)=eB2me wh
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