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(Solved): C language please i don't know what im doing wrong Mad Libs are activities that have a person provi ...

C language please i don't know what im doing wrong
Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, Which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected
Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, Which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected fand. hopefully funny) Ways Complete the program to read the needed values from input, that the existing output statement(s) can use to output a short story. Ex- if the input is: Exic chipotie 12 cara the output is: Eric went to chipotle to buy 12 difforent types of cars. \begin{tabular}{l|l} La \\ ACTivity & 2341 LAB Input. Mad ub \end{tabular} main.c Load default template 1. "include sstalo,hs int main (void) ( ( ) char ifrstiane[so]. char eenericcocation(se): int inolectumber char pluralNoun[50]: " type your code here. "?

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Sure, here's an example of a program in C that uses user input to complete a Mad Libs-style story:#
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