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(Solved): B. Determine the following for a sedimentation tank: i. Surface area ii. Dimensions iii. Volume iv. ...
B. Determine the following for a sedimentation tank: i. Surface area ii. Dimensions iii. Volume iv. Weir length. Specifications - The sedimentation basin to be designed hereunder will be a rectangular sedimentation basin with the following specifications: - Rectangular basin - Depth: 7-16 ft - Width: 10-50 ft - Length: 4× width - The treatment plant flow is 3MGD. - Influent baffle to reduce flow momentum - Slope of bottom toward sludge hopper >1% - Continuous sludge removal with a scraper velocity <15ft/min - Generally the detention time: 4-8 hours - Consider a tank with automatic sludge removal, so the detention time should be 4 hours - Flow through velocity: 40.5ft/min - Overflow rate: 500-1,000 gal/day-ft2 - Weir loading: 15,000-20,000 gal/day-ft Note: 1 gallon =0.133681 cubic feet Hint: Always consider more than one tank in your design Formulas: - A=Qc?/ O.R. where O.R. is the overflow rate - Q= volume / time - Volume of a rectangular: V=L?W?d - cross-sectional area of the tank: Ax=W?d - flow through velocity of the tank: V=Qc/Ax - Weir length: Lw = Qc / W.L Where, W.L is weir loading