Home / Expert Answers / Computer Science / asemble-the-mips-machine-code-in-hexadecimal-only-for-the-following-code-sequence-assume-that-th-pa623

(Solved): Asemble the MIPS machine code (in hexadecimal only) for the following code sequence. Assume that th ...

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Asemble the MIPS machine code (in hexadecimal only) for the following code sequence. Assume that the address of the beq instruction is , and S53=\$8. Also, assume that the opcode for beq and and 10 , respectively, for add, rddi, and sub instructions, the opcode is 0 and the function value is 44,32 , and 24 , respectively. beq , Else add addi \$s2,\$5, -100 Ext Ese: sub Exit:

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To assemble the MIPS machine code for the given code sequence, let's break it down instruction by instruction: 1.beq $s0, $s1, Else The machine code for the beq instruction is constructed as follows:

Opcode: 000100 (in binary) or 0x04 (in hexadecima...
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