(Solved): As a means of preventing ice formation on the wings of a small, private aircraft, it is proposed th ...
As a means of preventing ice formation on the wings of a small, private aircraft, it is proposed that electric resistance heating elements be installed within the wings. To determine representative power requirements, consider nominal flight conditions for which the plane moves at 100m/s in air that is at a temperature of ?23?C. If the characteristic length of the airfoil is L=2m and wind tunnel measurements indicate an average friction coefficient of C?f?=0.0025 for the nominal conditions, what is the average heat flux needed to maintain a surface temperature of Ts?=5?C ? Step 1 What is the value of the kinematic viscosity of air at ?23?C,1atm, in m2/s ?
What is the value of the Reynolds number based on the characteristic length? ReL?= Step 3 Use the modified Reynolds analogy to determine the value of the average Nusselt number. NuL?=
What is the value of the average heat transfer coefficient, in W/m2?K ? h?=W/m2?K Step 5 What is the value of the average heat flux needed to keep the wing at the surface temperature, in W/m2 ?