As a lab exercise 23.5 A Do-It-Yourself BST, fill in the blanks in the removeRoot method in JM\Ch23\BST\ For “extra credit,” make MyTreeSet Iterable by implementing an iterator method and a MyTreeSetIterator class. See Section for an example. Your iterator should perform inorder traversal of the tree: left subtree, root, right subtree. Use a Stack in your MyTreeSetIterator class. Do not implement the remove method for your iterator.
Please refer the screenshot images from 1 to 6.jpg
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
Implements a BST with TreeNode nodes.
@author TODO Your Name
@version TODO Date
@author Period - TODO Your Period
@author Assignment - TODO Assignment Name
@author Sources - TODO list collaborators
public class MyTreeSet<E> implements Iterable<E>
private TreeNode<E> root; // holds the root of this BST
// Constructor: creates an empty BST.
public MyTreeSet()
root = null;
// Returns true if this BST contains value; otherwise returns false.
public boolean contains( E value )
return contains( root, value );
// Adds value to this BST, unless this tree already holds value.
// Returns true if value has been added; otherwise returns false.
public boolean add( E value )
if ( contains( value ) )
return false;
root = add( root, value );
return true;
// Removes value from this BST. Returns true if value has been
// found and removed; otherwise returns false.
public boolean remove( E value )
if ( !contains( value ) )
return false;
root = remove( root, value );
return true;
// Returns a string representation of this BST.
public String toString()
String str = toString( root );
if ( str.endsWith( ", " ) )
str = str.substring( 0, str.length() - 2 );
return "[" + str + "]";
// Returns an iterator for this BST.
public Iterator<E> iterator()
// Complete method
return the iterator; // Fix this!!
//*************** Private helper methods: *********************
// Returns true if the BST rooted at node contains value;
// otherwise returns false (recursive version).
private boolean contains( TreeNode<E> node, E value )
if ( node == null )
return false;
int diff = ( (Comparable<E>)value ).compareTo( node.getValue() );
if ( diff == 0 )
return true;
else if ( diff < 0 )
return contains( node.getLeft(), value );
else // if (diff > 0)
return contains( node.getRight(), value );
// Iterative version:
private boolean contains(TreeNode<E> node, E value)
while (node != null)
int diff = ( (Comparable<E>)value).compareTo( node.getValue() );
if (diff == 0)
return true;
else if (diff < 0)
node = node.getLeft();
else // if (diff > 0)
node = node.getRight();
return false;
// Adds value to the BST rooted at node. Returns the
// root of the new tree.
// Precondition: the tree rooted at node does not contain value.
private TreeNode<E> add( TreeNode<E> node, E value )
if ( node == null )
node = new TreeNode( value );
int diff = ( (Comparable<E>)value ).compareTo( node.getValue() );
if ( diff < 0 )
node.setLeft( add( node.getLeft(), value ) );
else // if (diff > 0)
node.setRight( add( node.getRight(), value ) );
return node;
// Removes value from the BST rooted at node.
// Returns the root of the new tree.
// Precondition: the tree rooted at node contains value.
private TreeNode<E> remove( TreeNode<E> node, E value )
int diff = ( (Comparable<E>)value ).compareTo( node.getValue() );
if ( diff == 0 ) // base case
node = removeRoot( node );
else if ( diff < 0 )
node.setLeft( remove( node.getLeft(), value ) );
else // if (diff > 0)
node.setRight( remove( node.getRight(), value ) );
return node;
// Removes the root of the BST rooted at root
// replacing it with the smallest node from the right subtree.
// Returns the root of the new tree.
private TreeNode<E> removeRoot(TreeNode<E> root)
TreeNode<E> node = root.getRight();
// TODO complete method
return node;
// Utility routine to print the structure of the BST
public void printSideways()
if (root == null)
printSideways(root, 0);
// Precondition: original argument != null
private void printSideways( TreeNode<E> t, int depth )
if ( t.getRight() != null )
printSideways( t.getRight(), depth + 1 );
process( t.getValue(), depth );
if ( t.getLeft() != null )
printSideways( t.getLeft(), depth + 1 );
// Simply display the toString version of my_data
private void process( E obj, int depth )
for ( int j = 1; j <= depth; j++ )
System.out.print( " " );
System.out.println( obj.toString() );
// Returns a string representation of the tree rooted at node.
private String toString( TreeNode<E> node )
if ( node == null )
return "";
return toString( node.getLeft() ) + node.getValue() + ", "
+ toString( node.getRight() );
// Implements an Iterator for this tree.
private class MyTreeSetIterator implements Iterator<E>
// TODO instance variable(s)
public MyTreeSetIterator( TreeNode<E> root )
// TODO complete constructor
public boolean hasNext()
// TODO complete method
return false; // Fix this!!
public E next()
// TODO complete method
return null; // Fix this!!
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//************************** main: **************************
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] words = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five",
"Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten"};
MyTreeSet bst = new MyTreeSet();
for (String word : words)
System.out.println("Added: " + word + " " + bst.add(word));
System.out.println("Contains: " + word + " " + bst.contains(word));
System.out.println("*** Added a duplicate value ***");
System.out.println("Traversal with an iterator:");
for (Object obj : bst)
System.out.print(obj + " ");
for (String word : words)
System.out.println("Removed: " + word + " " + bst.remove(word));
System.out.println("*** Removed a non-existent value ***");