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(Solved): Argument Form Validity Question Below, a set of premises and a conclusion are given. Use the valid ...

Argument Form Validity
Below, a set of premises and a conclusion are given. Use the valid argument forms listed in T

Argument Form Validity Question Below, a set of premises and a conclusion are given. Use the valid argument forms listed in Table 2.3.1 to deduce the conclusion from the premises, giving a reason for cach step. a.~p ? (r^~S) b. ks c. u~ p d. ~ w e. u v w f. ~k Example 2.3.1 Caution! If at least one premise of an argument is false, then we have no information about the conclusion: It might be true or it might be false. P T T T T F F F F r E 9 T T F T F T F F T T F F T F T F Determining Validity or Invalidity Determine whether the following argument form is valid or invalid by drawing a truth ta- ble, indicating which columns represent the premises and which represent the conclusion, and annotating the table with a sentence of explanation. When you fill in the table, you only need to indicate the truth values for the conclusion in the rows where all the premises are true (the critical rows) because the truth values of the conclusion in the other rows are irrelevant to the validity or invalidity of the argument. P?qV r. T Solution The truth table shows that even though there are several situations in which the premises and the conclusion are all true (rows 1, 7, and 8), there is one situation (row 4) where the premises are true and the conclusion is fal: FFFFF T T F T qV~r T T F T T T F T Par T F T F F F F F 9 par ..p-r premises P?qV ~r T T F T T T T T 9 p^r T F T T F F T T conclusion P?r T F T T * This row shows that an argument of this form can have true premises and a falsc conclusion. Hence this form of argument is invalid.

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