Home / Expert Answers / Advanced Math / apply-the-lagrangian-and-newtonian-interpolation-technique-to-the-points-given-the-x-and-y-values-t-pa766

(Solved): Apply the Lagrangian and Newtonian interpolation technique to the points given the x and y values t ...

1) (20 puan) Yanda x ve y de?erleri verilmi? noktalara Lagrange ve Newton interpolasyon X f(x)
tekni?ini 2. dereceden bir pol

Apply the Lagrangian and Newtonian interpolation technique to the points given the x and y values to produce a 2nd-order polynomial and show that the two results are the same. P2x( ) ?

1) (20 puan) Yanda x ve y de?erleri verilmi? noktalara Lagrange ve Newton interpolasyon X f(x) tekni?ini 2. dereceden bir polinom üretecek ?ekilde uygulay?n ve iki sonucun ayn? oldu?unu -2 0 gösterin. P(x) = ? 0 1 1 -1 To 0.0 f(xo] f[zo, 21] 50 F? = 0.4 f[x?] f10,11,12)=7 j[?, ?] = 10 T? = 0.7 f[?]=6

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