Home / Expert Answers / Statistics and Probability / anawer-question-1-amp-2-completely-nbsp-consider-the-following-data-set-consisting-of-three-numbe-pa574

(Solved): anawer question 1 & 2 completely  Consider the following data set consisting of three numbe ...

anawer question 1 & 2 completely 

Consider the following data set consisting of three numbers:
Countown: Daysi-2 Tumet-67:06:3
Biese +eaifi timike
af ret nf pa
Ceneifler the table belows
Dot makesiane eg 7er 1 pash
4. fans a Rume
4) ??raspins
a) Find the rverage (or mean) of the kalt
Consider the following data set consisting of three numbers: Countown: Daysi-2 Tumet-67:06:3 Biese +eaifi timike af ret nf paisin 1..49 \( 12.1 \) 10n.253 After you have copied and pasted the data into Ekeel, to find the average (or minai) in Faced ase the fobming coasmand: -AVERAGE(highlight data) a) Find the average of the data set rounded to the nearest whole number. b) The average of the data set rounded to the nearest thaasandth ( 3 decimal planes) is: c) Find the average of the data set rounded to the nearest ten-thousandth (4 decina places). d) The average of the data set rounded to 8 decimal places is: Ceneifler the table belows Dot makesiane eg 7er 1 pash 4. fans a Rume 4) ??ra'spins a) Find the rverage (or mean) of the kaltaes in the hable rounowd to the nearest wbele number. b) Find the average (or mean) of the valoes in the table rounded to too nearst wath (nne decimal place). d) First the average (or mean) of the values in the table rocnded to the ararcat thonsardth [chere decisal places).

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