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(Solved): all parts DNA repair: On the right is shown a replicating DNA polymerase that has made two replicati ...
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DNA repair: On the right is shown a replicating DNA polymerase that has made two replication errors, labeled 1 and 2. Of the four possible base pairs (A-D) listed in the box below the polymerase, list what each of the mismatched base pairs ( #1 and #2 ) will be corrected to by DNA repair. 3a) Mismatch #1 repaired to: 3b) Mismatch #2 repaired to: You have a number of drugs that inhibit various enzymatic activities. For each drug listed below, list which replication error(s) ( #1 and/or #2 ) that will NOI be fully repaired if the drug is added at the exact moment captured in the picture above. [Possible answers: A: \#1, B: \#2, C: \#1 and 2, D: None] NOT repaired (answer A.B.C or D) 3c) Drug A (inhibits DNA ligase): 3d) Drug B (inhibits Primase): 3e) Drug C (inhibits all Endonucleases): 3f) Drug D (inhibits 3?-to-5' exonuclease activity of DNA polymerases): 3g) Drug E (inhibits DNA synthesis activity of all DNA polymerases): 3h) If the polymerase above is a lagging strand polymerase, what is the direetion of movement of the associated replication fork in the picture above? [A: Right, B: Left] Telomerase: You have isolated Telomerase from a new organism. The schematic on the right shows your isolated Telomerase associated with the telomere immediately after DNA replication. 3i) On the schematic on the right, which arrow (A points to a DNA 5 ' end? 3j) Which arrow (A-D) points to an RNA 3' end? 3k) Based on the schematic, list all nucleotides used by the new organism's Telomerase to generate telomeres. (List all that apply). A: dATP B: dTTP C: dGTP D: dCTP 31) How long is the telomeric repeat in the new organism? (recall that telomerase needs to translocate between each added repeat) A: 1nt B: 3nt C: 5nt D: 6nt E: 8nt