Alice and Bob has designed a public key cryptosystem based on the ElGamal. Bob has chosen the prime p = 113 and the primitive root ? = 6. Bob’s private key is an integer b = 70 such that ? ? ? b ? 18 (mod p). Bob publishes the triple (p, ?, ?).
(a) Alice chooses a secret number k = 30 to send the message 2022 to Bob. What pair or pairs does Bob receive?
(b) What should Bob do to decrypt the pair or pairs he received from Alice? During the computation, make sure Bob does not compute any inverses.
(c) Verify the answer of Parts (a) and (b) in sagemath.
(d) Before choosing k = 30, Alice was thinking of choosing k = 32. Do you think that Alice should have chosen k = 32? Give an answer and justify it