Home / Expert Answers / Computer Science / after-the-ror-instruction-is-executed-in-the-code-sequence-below-what-is-the-final-value-for-al-m-pa891

(Solved): After the ROR instruction is executed in the code sequence below, what is the final value for AL? M ...

After the ROR instruction is executed in the code sequence below, what is the final value for AL?
MOV AL, \( 10001111 \mathrm
After the ROR instruction is executed in the code sequence below, what is the final value for AL? MOV AL, \( 10001111 \mathrm{~b} \) ROR AL, 2 . The answer is 1100_0011. b. The answer is 1110_0111. c. The answer is 1110_0011. d. The answer is 1110_1011.

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