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(Solved): Add a multibit output (R) which denotes the number of cents that should be returned as change. Thi ...

Outputs: d (bit)
Local Storage: tot (8 bits)

Add a multibit output (R) which denotes the number of cents that should be returned as change. This output should be zero unless the total is greater than the amount for the soda.

You can assume that the dispense output will automatically return the amount of change stored in R.

Add another multibit input (T) which is an alternate cost for the soda (i.e. the soda could cost either S or T).

Add a single bit input (b) which determines which cost to use. If b == 0, soda costs S, otherwise it costs T.

(a) Draw an HSLM which includes new inputs and behaviors.

(b) Draw the data path for the processor.

(c) Draw the custom processor architecture showing inputs, outputs, and connections for controller and datapath.

(d) Draw the FSM state diagram for the controller of the processor.

Outputs: d (bit) Local Storage: tot (8 bits)

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(a) Here's an HSLM diagram that includes the new inputs and behaviors:

S: multibit input for the cost of the soda
T: multibit input for an alternate cost of the soda
b: single bit input that determines which cost to use (0 for S, 1 for T)
D: multibit input for the amount of money deposited
R: multibit output for the number of cents to be returned as change (if D > cost of soda)
Change: control output that activates the dispensing mechanism

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