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(Solved): According to Oklahoma State Election Board data, approximately \( 50.6 \% \) of registered voters ...

According to Oklahoma State Election Board data, approximately \( 50.6 \% \) of registered voters in OKlahoma are registered

The U.S. Census estimates there are appoximatey \( 3.886 .639 \) fesidents in the state of Ohishoma. It 24,14 of the states
According to Oklahoma State Election Board data, approximately \( 50.6 \% \) of registered voters in OKlahoma are registered as Republicans. What percentage of aduh Oklahomans are registered as Ropublicans? QUESTION 4 According to the Oklahoma State Election Board data, approximately 93,050 Democrats and independents (the Oklahoma Democratic Party allows independents to vote in its primaries, while the OKlahoma Republican Party does not) voted in the August 23 Democratic Senate primary runoff between Madison Horn and Jason Bollinger. If \( 696.723 \) registered voters in Oklahoma are registered as Democrats, and \( 381.088 \) registered voters in Oklahoma are registered as independents, what percontage of elig ble registered voters participated in the August 23 Democratic Senate primary runoff? QUESTION 5 According to the Oklahorna State Election Board data, approximately 281,364 Ropublicans voted in the August 23 Republican Senate primary nunoff between Markwayne Mullin and T.W. Shannon. Mullin received 183,118 votes. If 1,122,582 registered voters in Oklahoma are registered as Republicans, 2,218,374 Oklahomans are registered to vote, and there are approximately \( 3.025,859 \) adults in Oklahoma, what percentage of all adult Okiahomans selected Markwayne Mullin as the Republican Senate nominee? QUESTION 6 For each of the following questions, please use the Excel fie in the Problem Sets folder labeled "State Data Shell Complete." Tho column "Logisiate Contror lists the political party that controls each state's legislature in 2016 . States wherein the Republican Party controls both legislative chambers (or the only chamber, in the case of Nobraska) are labeled "Rop. "States wherein the Democratio Party controls both legisiative chambers are labeled "Dem" If one party controls one chamber, Whilo the other controis the second chamber, the stale is labeled as "Divided." Out of 50 states, what percentage of stato legistatures woro controlled by the Democratio Party in 2016? The U.S. Census estimates there are appoximatey \( 3.886 .639 \) fesidents in the state of Ohishoma. It 24,14 of the state's population is under the age of 18 . how many Okathornans are 18 of oldor? QUESTION 2 The Okiahoma State Election Board reports that 2218,374 Ohlahoman= are regitsored to vote What percentsge of adult Okiahomarn are ingasied 5s vele? QUESTION3 Oktahomans are registered as Pinputicats? \( 50.6 \)

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