(Solved): A vehicle is modelled with a capability of pitch and bounce motions, as shown in the Figure 1 below ...
A vehicle is modelled with a capability of pitch and bounce motions, as shown in the Figure 1 below. Modelling the vehicle body as a non-uniform rigid bar (i.e. representing it using mass, spring, and damping elements and showing appropriate degrees of freedom coordinates): (a) Construct a two-degree-of-freedom equivalent mass-spring-damper [8 marks] model of the car by neglecting the mass of wheels. Clearly show the degrees of freedom coordinates. Briefly explain why you have set it up that way. (b) Construct a four-degree-of-freedom equivalent mass-spring-damper [12 marks] model of the car by considering the mass of wheels, Clearly show the degrees of freedom coordinates. Briefly explain why you have set it up that way. Note: In both parts, you do not need to solve the model. Suggested time: 20 mimutes. Total: [20 marks]