A three-phase, eight-pole, 60Hz,4160V,1000kW squirrel-cage induction motor has the follow ...
A three-phase, eight-pole, 60?Hz,4160?V,1000?kW squirrel-cage induction motor has the following equivalent-circuit parameters in ohms per phase Y referred to the stator: R1?=0.220R2?=0.207X1?=1.95X2?=2.42Xm?=45.7 Determine the changes in these constants which will result from the following proposed design modifications. Consider each modification separately. a. Replace the stator winding with an otherwise identical winding with a wire size whose cross-sectional area is increased by 4 percent. b. Decrease the inner diameter of the stator laminations such that the air gap is decreased by 15 percent. c. Replace the aluminum rotor bars (conductivity 3.5×107mhos/m ) with copper bars (conductivity 5.8×107mhos/m ). d. Reconnect the stator winding, originally connected in Y for 4160?V operation, in ? for 2.4kV operation.