(a) The Boussinesq equations of thermal convection can be written in the dimensionless form ??uPr1?[ut?+(u??)u]Tt?+u??T?=0,=??p+?2u+RaTk^,=?2T.? Explain the meaning of these equations and define u,p,T,Pr, and Ra. Assuming heating from the bottom, write down appropriate dimensionless boundary conditions assuming stress-free, impermeable boundaries, with prescribed temperatures on top and bottom, and no heat flux through the sides. (b) Use the stream function to define u=??z? and w=?x? and explain why this is a reasonable change of variables. Show that the Boussinesq equations can be written in the form Pr1?[?2?t?+?x??2?z???z??2?x?]Tt?+?x?Tz???z?Tx??=RaTx?+?4?,=?2T,? with the associated boundary conditions ?=?2?=0T=0T=1?=?2?=0Tx?=0? at z=0,1, at z=1, at z=0, at x=0,?, at x=0,?,? and write down the steady state solution (??,T?) corresponding to no-flow.
(c) By perturbing the steady state, ?=??+?,T=T?+?, and linearising show that ?t???x?Pr1??2?t??=?2?,=?4?+Ra?x?.? Explain why normal mode solutions of the form ?=?=?Ae?tsinkxcosm?z,Be?tcoskxcosm?z,5? with k=?n??, where m and n are integers and A,B are constants, are not appropriate, and suggest normal mode solutions that would be appropriate. Deduce that the eigenvalue, ?, satisfies (?+K2)(K2Pr??+1)?K4Ra2?=0, where K2=k2+m2?2. Show that the steady state will be unstable if Ra>27?4/4, regardless of the value of Pr.