A single pass type surface steam condenser is to be designed for a 120MW geothermal plant. The ...
A single pass type surface steam condenser is to be designed for a 120MW geothermal plant. The expected steam supply pressure and temperature are 160bars and 500?C respectively, while the condenser pressure is to be kept at 0.08bars. The inlet and outlet temperatures are to be kept at 25?C and 35?C respectively and the condensate is to be saturated water. Determine the number of tubes required if the internal and external diameters of the available tubes are 260mm and 300mm respectively and space requirements restrict the tube length to 4.8m. Neglect any losses and assume that the expansion in the turbine is isentropic. Take: h0? (steam side) =5,000W/m20C;hi? (water side) =1000W/m20C;fi? (water side fouling factor )=0.0002m20C/W;k (conductivity of tube material) =82W/m?C.