(Solved): A ring counter is a shift register counter in which the output of the first flip flop is connected ...
A ring counter is a shift register counter in which the output of the first flip flop is connected to the next flip flop and so on and the output of the last flip flop is again fed back to the input of the first flip flop, thus the name ring counter. But in this situation an inverter (Not gate) is added at the feedback stage of the counter. Hence, it is also called the Johnson Counter Following is the diagram of a Johnson Counter: Flipflop1 is MSB (i.e. D3 and Q3) and Flipflop4 is LSB (i.e. D0 and Q0) respectively. The flip flops are positive edge triggered. If at t=0, the Q3=1,Q2=0,Q1=0,Q0=1, What are the values of Q3Q2Q1Q0 at t=5 i.e after the fifth positive clock transition? \begin{tabular}{l} 0100 \\ \hline 1101 \\ 1011 \\ 1110 \end{tabular}