a) Perform BCD addition for the two numbers given below. (10 Marks) \( (6 \mathrm{AE})_{16}+(5 \ma ...
a) Perform BCD addition for the two numbers given below. (10 Marks) \( (6 \mathrm{AE})_{16}+(5 \mathrm{~B} 9)_{16} \) b) Compare Synchronous and Asynchronous counters and justify which one is more preferred. (5 Marks) c) Consider you have implemented a 1:4 De-MUX on a trainer kit. Refer to figure 1. Which option from the given table corresponds to the output bits for input condition \( S O=1, S 1=0 \) and Din \( =1 \) ? Justify your answer. (5 Marks) Figure 1