(Solved): A high-voltage power line with a radius of a=1[cm] is at a height of h=50[m] above the ground ...
A high-voltage power line with a radius of a=1[cm] is at a height of h=50[m] above the ground (measured from the center of the line), which may be approximately modeled as an infinite ground plane. Assume that the voltage of the power line is v(t)=100,000cos(?t)[V] Find the electric field vector at a point on the earth directly below the power line. Assume that the frequency ?=2?f is low enough so that at any instance of time, the electric field vector E?(x,y,t) is that same as in a static problem, if you replace V0? in the static solution with v(t). This assumption should be accurate when all dimenisons are small compared with a wavelength. Note: You may use any equation that was already drived in the class notes, but make sure that you give proper reference in your solution to where you took it from!