A first order circuit is given according to the following circuit schema. The switch is on positio ...
A first order circuit is given according to the following circuit schema. The switch is on position 1 for a sufficiently long period of time and steady state conditions are esthablished. At the time t=0, the switch is taken to the position 2. a) What does "sufficiently long period of time" mean? Do we have a measure for the duration? If you can give a quantitative value, please, calcuate it. Please, calculate: b) the time dependent decay of the voltage vc(t) across the capacitors C? and C?., and sketch a rough graph of the vc (t) versus time indicating important points on it, c) the current iR2(t) through the resistor R2, d) the dissipated power across R2, e) the total dissipated energy over R?. f) What is the portion of the energy dissipated on R? in relation to the total energy stored on the capacitors at the time t=0? g) What is the value of IRO after switching to position 2? The following values are given for the circuit elements and for Vo: R? = 15 KQ; R? = 5 k£; R? = 30 k£; R3 = 60 k£; C? = 1,2 µF; C? = 800 nF; V? = 60V; t=0 21 R? IRO ic(t) ?R 2(t) Ro I vc(t) :C? + C? R3 R?