(a) Examine the circuit in Fig. 3. Identify all the component symbols in the circuit and explain t ...
(a) Examine the circuit in Fig. 3. Identify all the component symbols in the circuit and explain their function in the circuit and also explain what this circuit do. (b) Calculate \( x \) in Fig. 3 . (c) Install a red on/off LED for the circuit (Fig. 3). Draw a circuit diagram for the circuit that you will build and give the values of all the components that you would use. (d) Derive a formula that can be used to calculate the size \( \mathrm{C} 1 \). (e) It is recommended that the ripple voltage must be less than \( 1 \mathrm{~V} \) at the input terminal of the 7805 . How large must the \( \mathrm{C} 1 \) be in \( \mu \mathrm{F} \) ?