(Solved): a. Develop an estimated regression equation with the amount of television advertising as the indepe ...
a. Develop an estimated regression equation with the amount of television advertising as the independent variable (to 1 decimaI). Revenue \( =\quad(3+5 \) TVAdV b. Develop an estimated regression equation with both television advertising and newspaper advertising as the independent vanables (to 2 decimals). Revenue \( =(\mathbf{X}+\quad \) (3) TVAdv \( +\quad \) NVAdv C. Is the estimated regression equation coefficient for television advertising expenditures the same in part (a) and in part (b)? Interpret the coefticlent in each case. In the coefficient is ad estimate of the change in revenue due to a one-unt change in television advertising expenditires. In the coefficient is an estiznate of the change in revenue due to a one-unit change in television advertising expenditures with the amount of newspaper advertising held constant. d. Predict weekly oross revenue for a whek when \( \$ 3,600 \) is spent on television advertising and \( \$ 1,700 \) is spent on newspaper advertasing predicted revenus to the nearest dollar.