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(Solved): (a) Consider a quantum particle a one-dimensional square potential energy well of width a and depth ...

(a) Consider a quantum particle a one-dimensional square potential energy well of width \( a \) and depth \( V_{0} \) below t
(a) Consider a quantum particle a one-dimensional square potential energy well of width and depth below the zero level which lies to the right of the well. At the left there is a barrier of infinite height. Beskou 'n kwantumdeeltjie in 'n vierkantige potensiële energieput met wydte a en diepte onder die nul-vlak wat na regs van die pute le.. Aan die linkerkant is danr ' versperring van 'n oneindige hoogte. Given: 1. Obtain expressions for and ; ii. Derive the following relationship: where you should also find an expression for ; iii. Introduce dimensionless units expressing and the depth parameter in terms of iv. Show how the allowed energies for a particle in the well can be obtained through a graphical solution; v. Explain the effect of the depth of the well on the number of bound states; vi. What happens if .

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To solve the given problem, let's go through each part step by step:

i). Expressions for    and   

For the region   we have the equation :

The general solution to this differentia...
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