A batch of \( 1000 \mathrm{~kg} \) of \( \mathrm{KCl} \) is dissolved in sufficient water to make ...
A batch of \( 1000 \mathrm{~kg} \) of \( \mathrm{KCl} \) is dissolved in sufficient water to make a saturated solution at \( 363 \mathrm{~K} \), where the solubility is \( 35 \mathrm{wt} \% \mathrm{KCl} \) in water. The solution is cooled to \( 293 \mathrm{~K} \), at which temperature its solubility is \( 25.4 \mathrm{wt} \% \). 1) What is the weight of water the \( \mathrm{KCl} \) is originally dissolved in (kg)? 2) What is the weight of solid crystals that form? 3) If \( 5 \mathrm{wt} \% \) of the water evaporates during the cooling process, what is the final weight of crystals that form?
1. Initially the solubility of KCL is 0.35 in water Total weight = 1000/0.35 = 2857.1428 Kg amount of water = 2857.1428*0.65 = 1857.142857 KG 2. Let the