(Solved): 8. Let x(t) be the continuous-time complex exponential signal x(t)=ej0t, with fundamental freq ...
8. Let x(t) be the continuous-time complex exponential signal x(t)=ej?0?t, with fundamental frequency ?0? and fundamental period T0?=2?/?0?. Consider the discrete-time signal obtained by taking equally spaced samples of x(t)-that is, x[n]=x(nT)=ej?0?nT. (a) Show that x[n] is periodic if and only if T/T0? is a rational number-that is, if and only if some multiple of the sampling interval exactly equals a multiple of the period of x(t). (b) Suppose that x[n] is periodic-that is, that T0?T?=qp?, where p and q are integers. What are the fundamental period and fundamental frequency of x[n] ? Express the fundamental frequency as a fraction of ?0?T. (c) Again assuming that T/T0? satisfies Eq. (1), determine precisely how many periods of x(t) are needed to obtain the samples that form a single period of x[n].