8 Choose the correct statement(s) about kinematic equations of 4-mechanum-wheel and 4-omni- wheel ...
8 Choose the correct statement(s) about kinematic equations of 4-mechanum-wheel and 4-omni- wheel robots. There are 2 correct answers. (5 Points) The kinematic equation of velocity for X-configuration of the both types is exactly the same. The kinematic equation of velocity for X-configuration of mechanum wheel robot is exactly the same as that of O-configuration of omni wheel robot. The kinematic equation of velocity for O-configuration of the both types is exactly the same. 9 Choose the correct statement(s) from the items below. There are 2 correct answers. * (10 Points) Kinematics of Mechanum wheel and omni wheel is governed by the same equation. Kinematics of tricycle robot driven by rear wheels is exactly the same as that of differential wheels robot. Kinematics of a Car-like robot driven by rear wheels is exactly the same as that of a differential whee robot.
Correct statements about kinematic equations of 4-mechanum-wheel and 4-omni wheel robots. 1. The kinematic equation of velocity for X-configuration of the both types is exactly