6. DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE Listed below are diastolic blood pressure measurements ( \( \mathrm{mm} \mathrm{Hg} \) ) of females selected from Data Set 1 "Body Data" in Appendix B \( \square \). All of the values are even numbers. Are there any outliers? If so, identify their values.
Body and exam measurements are from 300 subjects (first five rows shown here). AGE is in years, for GENDER \( 1= \) male and \( 0= \) female, PULSE is pulse rate (beats per minute), SYSTOLIC is systolic blood pressure ( \( \mathrm{mm} \mathrm{Hg} \) ), DIASTOLIC is diastolic blood pressure ( \( \mathrm{mm} \mathrm{Hg} \) ), HDL is HDL cholesterol (mg/dL), LDL is LDL cholesterol \( (\mathrm{mg} / \mathrm{dL}) \), WHITE is white blood cell count (1000 cells/ \( \mu L) \), RED is red blood cell count (million cells/ \( \mu L \) ),PLATE is platelet count \( (1000 \) cells \( / \mu L \) ), WEIGHT is weight \( (\mathrm{kg}) \), HEIGHT is height \( (\mathrm{cm}) \), WAIST is waist circumference \( (\mathrm{cm}) \), ARM CIRC is arm circumference \( (\mathrm{cm}) \), and BMI is body mass index \( \left(\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2}\right) \). Data are from the National Center for Health Statistics. TI-83/84 LIST NAMES (BODY): AGE, GENDR, PULSE, SYS, DIAS, HDL, LDL, WHITE, REDBC, PLATE, WT, HT, WAIST, ARMC, BMI