4. The given diagram describes a three-pulley system of M,P, and Q. These pulleys are connected to ...
4. The given diagram describes a three-pulley system of M,P, and Q. These pulleys are connected to two masses A and B as shown. Block A is initially moving downward and attached to pulley P; therefore block A moves up and down with pulley P. The axle of this "block and tackle" pulley holds one end of the cable which runs over a pulley M back around pulley P and onwards to pulley Q as illustrated on the diagram. Block A is 60kg and block B is 30kg. The coefficient of static and kinetic frictions between block B and the platform are ?s?=0.4 and ?k?=0.3 respectively. Assume that the pulleys are frictionless and have negligible masses. (a) Draw free body diagrams for the important objects. (b) Write the kinematic constraint that applies to blocks A and B. (c) Determine the tension in the cable, and the acceleration of each block.