4-21. Write the VHDL entity declare for a three-input AND gate. 4-22. Write the VHDL architecture ...
4-21. Write the VHDL entity declare for a three-input AND gate. 4-22. Write the VHDL architecture fc. a three-input AND gate. 4-23. Draw the logic circuit to be implemented by the following VHDL architecture body: ARCHITECTURE arc OF p4_23 IS BEGIN \[ \begin{array}{l} \mathrm{x}<=(\mathrm{a} \text { AND }(\mathrm{b} \text { OR } \mathrm{c})) \\ \mathrm{y}<=(\mathrm{a} \text { OR NOT b) AND NOT }(\mathrm{b} \text { AND c) } \\ \mathrm{z}<=\text { NOT }(\mathrm{b} \text { AND c) OR NOT }(\mathrm{a} \text { OR c }) \end{array} \] END arc;