37. A lesion of the right fasciculus gracilis at C-5 is most likely to result in loss of which of ...
37. A lesion of the right fasciculus gracilis at C-5 is most likely to result in loss of which of the following? Snipping Tool A) Conscious proprioception from the right upper extremity New Mode Dela B) Pain sensation in the left upper extremity Select the snip mode using the Mode button button. Snipping Tool is moving.... C) Temperature sensation in the right upper extremity D) Unconscious proprioception from the left lower extremity E) Vibration sense in the right lower extremity In a future update, Snipping Tool will | home. Try improved features and snip & Sketch (or try the shortcut Windows logo key + Shift + National Board of Medical Examiners Customized Subject Test 40. Which of the following types of bonds is primarily responsible for the aberrant aggregation of deoxyhemoglobin S molecules resulting from the glutamate-to-valine mutation in the sixth postionica? A) Amide B) Covalent C) Disulfide D) Hydrophobic E) Ionic