Home / Expert Answers / Accounting / 34-total-indirect-costs-such-as-supervisory-salaries-and-indirect-materials-amount-to-84-000-my-hou-pa397

(Solved): "Total indirect costs such as supervisory salaries and indirect materials amount to $84,000. My hou ...

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"Total indirect costs such as supervisory salaries and indirect materials amount to . My house is house number one. I believe distributing the overhead costs equally among the three houses is a fair way to allocate them. My specif recommendation is: Your house is house number three. Do you agree with this assignment of cost? Submit an initial post by Friday explaining why or why not. Include ye own recommendation to allocate the of overhead costs. Based on your suggestion indicate the amount of overhead costs to be assigned to of the three houses. Each member of the group must come up with a different method to allocate costs. so it pays to post early this wede. (You will be able to see the posts of members of your group).

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