Home / Expert Answers / Biology / 34-35-36-the-mutation-that-causes-the-disease-sickle-cell-anemia-results-frem-a-codon-change-in-the-pa351

(Solved): 34,35,36 The mutation that causes the disease sickle cell anemia results frem a codon change in the ...


The mutation that causes the disease sickle cell anemia results frem a codon change in the beta-globin gene from a DNA base s

Uniparental disomy explains
a child with an autosomal recessive condition who has one wild type parent and one carrier parent

Regarding their chromosomal complement of gametes, if a nondisjunction event occurs during meiosis II,
all gametes will be no
The mutation that causes the disease sickle cell anemia results frem a codon change in the beta-globin gene from a DNA base substitution that does not alker the amino acid encoded by the codon. from a mechanism that is very simitar to that which causes beta-thalassemia: from a deletion of two DNA base paics. Uniparental disomy explains a child with an autosomal recessive condition who has one wild type parent and one carrier parent. a person with dwarfism who has autosomal dominant achondroplasia bom to parents of normal height. a new mutation in which a child has a condition that no other relative has. same cases of severe blood infections. Regarding their chromosomal complement of gametes, if a nondisjunction event occurs during meiosis II, all gametes will be normal all gametes will be abnormal 503 of the gametes will be normal and 50 percent abnormal \( 25 \% \) will be normal and \( 75 \% \) will be abnormal

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34; SICKLE CELL ANEMIA- Option 1 is correct- from a codon change in the beta-globin gene. sickle cell anemia is caused by point mutation in the beta-g
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