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(Solved): 3. The relationship between marginal and average cost 3. The relationship between maroinal and avera ...
3. The relationship between marginal and average cost
3. The relationship between maroinal and average costs The following scenario examines the relationship between marginal and average values, Suppose Dalton is a high school basketball player. The following table presents their game-by-0ame results for foul shots. Fall in the columns with Dalton's foul-shooting percentage for each game and their overall fouf-shoocing average affer each game. On the following graph, use the orange poines (squave symbo) to ploc Dafton's fout-shooting percentage for each game individuatly, and use the oreen points (thangle symbol) to plot Oalton's overall avevage foul-shooting percentage after each game. Note: Plot your points in the order in which you would like them connected; tine segments will connect the points automaticaliy.
You can think of the result in any one game as being Dalton's marginat shooting percentage, Bascd on your previous answer, you can deduce that when Dalton's marginal shooting percentage is above the average, the averape must be You can now, apply this analysis to production costs. For a U-shaped averape total cost (Atc) curve, when the marginat cast curve is below the avprage total cost curve, the average total cost must be Aiso, when the marginal cost curve is above the average total cost curve, the average total cost must be Therefore, the marginal cost curve intersects the average tetat cost curve