(3%) Problem 19: A thin rod of length L, thin meaning that its diameter is negligibly small as compared to its length, is aligned with the æ axis. An observation point, P, is located a perpendicular distance a from the center of the rod, as shown in the drawing. The rod is given a uniform linear charge density, A. Coordinate axes have been provided. Y/A X x dx L A 20% Part (a) Enter an expression for the infinitesimal charge, dq, on an infinitesimal length of the rod, da. A 20% Part (b) Enter an expression, in Cartesian unit-vector notation, for a unit vector in the direction from an infinitesimal charge at position x on the rod and towards the observation point P. = A 20% Part (c) Enter an expression for d?, the contribution of the infinitesimal charge, dq, to the electric field at P. Proceed as if the charge on the rod is positive. 20% Part (d) Which of the following integral expressions correctly sums over all of the infinitesimal charges along the rod and produces the electric field at the observation point, P. E = kraj 1/2(22³/2 k?a dz ? Correct! A 20% Part (e) Enter an expression, in Cartesian unit-vector notation, for the net electric field at P. ? = || Grade Summary Deductions Potential 0% 100% Late Work % 50% 50% a î ? HOME Late Potential (7 8 9 1^^4 k a b 5 6 1 2 3 k L m Submissions Attempts remaining: 30 (0% per attempt) detailed view 11 P S + - END 0 VO BACKSPACE X Z y DEI CLEAR Submit Hint a Feedback P I give up!