3. Hydrogen and toluene (T) react over a solid catalyst to form methane (M) and benzene (B). C6 ...
3. Hydrogen and toluene (T) react over a solid catalyst to form methane (M) and benzene (B). C6?H5?CH3(g)?+H2(g)??C6?H6(g)?+CH4(g)? The mechanism of the reaction is as follows: Adsorption: Adsorption: Surface reaction: Desorption: ?T(g)?+S?T.SH2(g)?+T.S?B.S+M(g)?B.S?B(g)+S?(KT?= adsorption equilibrium constant )(Ks= surface reaction equilibrium constant )(KB?= benzene adsorption equilibrium constant )? (i) Assuming surface reaction is rate limiting, derive: ?rT?=(1+KB?PB?+KT?PT?)kPH2?PT?? (ii) Determine the model parameters k,KB?, and KT? using computer and attach the result with the help of Table 10-5 (Fogler). (iii) What is the fraction of vacant sites at 60% conversion?