Home / Expert Answers / Biology / 3-for-cach-section-pick-one-most-conect-answer-and-explain-your-answer-a-competition-for-a-tescu-pa606

(Solved): 3. For cach section pick one most conect answer and explain your answer. a. Competition for a tescu ...

3. For cach section pick one most conect answer and explain your answer. a. Competition for a tescurre when one indivdud has
workers from (Pogonomyrmex barbatus)
4s In USA, fa certain nest of the red harvester antr protects food spots from workers fr
3. For cach section pick one most conect answer and explain your answer. a. Competition for a tescurre when one indivdud has a Clear physical advantage. b. Obtaining a resource ofter the competing individual has been predated. c. Competition duc to a common enemy that looks like competition for a tesounce d. A common predator that thins out one population over another. 2. Allelopathy is a phenomenon during which s a. Watertamp inc. as depth increoses b. New species develop C. A Substance secrekd by a particular individial that kills or stunts the growth of nearby individuals d. All indiriduals of the same species gothered in a depinea place. 3. In Britain, the invasive gray squirrel consumes the same hirs as the nature red Squirral. but unllike red squiral it has no natural enemies inte area. This is an example of: o. Interference competion b. Apporent competition c. Utilization compatition d. d. Separation based on e. Habitat Sexaration. food resource workers from (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) 4s In USA, fa certain nest of the red harvester antr protects food spots from workers from a neighboring nest of the same species. This is an example of: a. Interference competition b. Apparent competition C. Uttilization Competition d. Separation based on food rescurce e. Habitat separation 5. In the aftrican savanna, the giroffe feeds on the leaves of tall acacia trees and the kudu antelope feeds on the leaves of shrubs. This an example f: a. Interference competition b. Apparant competition c. Utilization competition d. Separation based on foodrescurc e. Habitat separation

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1. Option D correct A common predator that thins our one population to over another Because two groups of the organisms that have adverse effects on t
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