(Solved): 20-4 The block diagram of a downlink CDMA system operating at baseband in AWGN channel with 2 paths ...
The block diagram of a downlink CDMA system operating at baseband in AWGN channel with 2 paths (one direct and one delayed of one Tc? paths) of equal amplitude of 1 is shown in Figure 4 on page 5 , where bi? is the binary antipodal data of ith user with values {±1},ci?(t) is the spreading code of ith user, M is the system capacity, Tb? is the data bit duration of 10?3 seconds, and Tc? is the spreading chip duration. The AWGN power spectral density of n(t),N0?=10?4W/Hz. The received signal r(t)=b1?c1?(t)+?i=2M?bi?ci?(t)+?i=1M?bi?ci?(t?Tc?)+n(t).
a) Show that the expression of the output Y can be reduced to: Y=b1?Tb?+Tc??i=2M?bi??i1?(0)+Tc??i=1M?bi??i1?(1)+N and specify the meanings of the terms ?i1?(0),?i1?(1) and N in the expression. (11 Marks) b) If the spreading codes are obtained from the full period of Walsh Hadamard codes of length 32 and assuming that the code cross-correlation has an average variance of 25 , determine the system capacity to maintain the bit-error-rate (BER) per user of at least 10?3. You may assume that the inter-symbol interference (ISI) can be approximated with Gaussian distribution with zero mean. Note that Q(3.09)?10?3.