Home / Expert Answers / Chemistry / 2-non-binary-acids-hydrogen-with-a-polyatomic-ion-no-hycho-name-name-the-polyatomic-ion-ch-pa208

(Solved): 2. Non-binary Acids (Hydrogen with a polyatomic ion) no hycho NAME: name the polyatomic ion, ch ...

2. Non-binary Acids (Hydrogen with a polyatomic ion)
no hycho
NAME: name the polyatomic ion, changing an -ate ending to -ic O

2. Non-binary Acids (Hydrogen with a polyatomic ion) no hycho NAME: name the polyatomic ion, changing an -ate ending to -ic OR an -ite ending to ous, then add the word acid. Non-binary acids will never have hydro in front. 1. polyatomic ion: , bromate Acid Name: bromic acid 2. polyatomic ion Acid Name 3. polyatomic ion Acid Name 4. polyatomic ion Acid Name

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1) HBrO3 polyatomic ion : BrO3-1 , Bromate Acid nam
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