2. Building an Electric Motor (Lecture 1) 2.1 Ampere demonstrated an electromagnet can be created by a flowing current. Based on the direction of the magnetic field in the image to the right, is current flowing into the left end of the yellow wire (L) or the right end of the wire ( \( \mathbf{R} \) )? 2.2 Consider the simple electric motor pictured to the right. Initially, the inner permanent magnet rotor is stationary. The outer stator electromagnet is turned on with the magnetic polarity indicated. Which way will the inner rotor permanent magnet spin? Clockwise or counterclockwise? 2.3 Your lab partner is playing around with the same simple electric motor. (Inner permanent magnet rotor and outer stator electromagnet.) The motor ends up in this position. What do you need to do to get the rotor to spin some more? 2.4 What would you need to know to determine if the rotor will spin clockwise or counterclockwise from the picture in problem 2.3?