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(Solved): 2) Absorption coefficient of white light: using fluctuation dissipation theorem The calculation fro ...
2) Absorption coefficient of white light: using fluctuation dissipation theorem The calculation from exercise 1 can be performed much quicker using the FDT: ?(t)=??(t)?dtd?C(t), where the response function splits into even and odd part as ?(t)=?o?(t)+?e?(t) and the correlation function is defined as C(t)=?x(0)x(t)?. a) Show that ?o?(t)=?2??dtd?C(t) b) Using the result from (a) show that ?????d??(?)=???dt2d2?C(t)?t=0?. c) (1P) Show that dt2d2?C(t)=?Cvv?(t)=??x?(0)x?(t)?. d) (1P) Combine the results of (c) and (d) to obtain the final result for ??. e) (3P) Compute the line center frequency, i.e the frequency with the maximal absorption ??, the the spectral height ?(??) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) ??=?R???L? (with ?(??)?(?L?)?=21?=?(??)?(?R?)? ). Interpret your result for ?? in connection with the spectral height ?(??) and the FWHM ??. Hint: Again use the hint from 1(d) to simplify the expression (??=(??)2?). f) (2P) Consider a spectroscopic measurement giving a line center frequency ??, a line height ?(??) and a FWHM ??. Compute the static dielectric constant ?=??(0) for a damped harmonic oscillator. Write the result in terms of ??,?(??) and ??. Now consider the absorption peak of water at ??=20GHz with a height of roughly ?(??)=8?1011 and a width of roughly ??=20GHz. Estimate the static dielectric constant of water with the given constants. Why are the other spectroscopic features of water at higher frequencies rather unimportant?