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(Solved): (18pts) Properties of Soaps and Detergents From the procedure 1. Prepare 3 small beakers (labeled ...

(18pts) Properties of Soaps and Detergents
From the procedure
1. Prepare 3 small beakers (labeled as instructed below) contaiVirtual pH Paper Key
Virtual pH Tests
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
pH Paper Appearance
Lab-prepared soap
Commercial Soap
FFoam Test
4. Stopper each test tube from the alkalinity test and mix by shaking for ~10 s.
5. A layer of suds or foam should Virtual Foam Test and Emulsifying Properties
Foam Test
Emusifying Properties
Lab-prepared soap
Some, but not all of th(9pts)
Complete the following table with your observations and results from each test.
You should include a detailed descriptFrom the procedure
Hard Water Reactions
8. Add 5 mL of each solution in the beakers to 3 separate, clean test tubes, for a to(9pts)
Complete the following table with your observations and results from each test.
You should include a detailed descript(11 pts) Summary
Summarize the information you have gathered from the tests for your soap and the commercial soap and

(18pts) Properties of Soaps and Detergents From the procedure 1. Prepare 3 small beakers (labeled as instructed below) containing 1 g of solid soap or detergent or 20 drops of liquid soap or detergent and 50 mL of DI water. These samples will be used to test several properties of soap in the experiments below. o Beaker 1-Lab-prepared soap o Beaker 2-Commercial Soap o Beaker 3-Commercial Detergent Alkalinity (Basicity) 2. Add 10 mL of each solution to separate test tubes. 3. Dip a clean stirring rod into each solution and transfer a drop of the solution to pH paper. Record the approximate pH and the color Virtual pH Paper Key 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Virtual pH Paper Key Virtual pH Tests 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 pH Paper Appearance Lab-prepared soap Commercial Soap Foam Test 4. Stopper each test tube from the alkalinity test and mix by shaking for ~10 s. 5. A laver of suds or foam should appear. Record your observations. Commercial Detergent Foam Test 4. Stopper each test tube from the alkalinity test and mix by shaking for ~10 s. 5. A layer of suds or foam should appear. Record your observations. Emulsifying Properties 6. Add 5 drops of oil to each of your test tubes from the foam test, stopper each test tube and shake for about 10 s. 7. Compare the sudsy layer that forms to the layer that formed in the foam test. Record your observations. Virtual Foam Test and Emulsifying Properties Lab-prepared soap Commercial Soap Commercial Detergent sogen Virtual Foam Test and Emulsifying Properties (9pts) Foam Test Emusifying Properties Lab-prepared soap Some, but not all of the oil mixes with the water All of the oil mixes with the water Commercial Soap Some, but not all of the oil mixes with the water Commercial Detergent All of the oil mixes with the water (9pts) Complete the following table with your observations and results from each test. You should include a detailed description of what you saw, as well as what conclude from the test. Normal : BIU Report Table SO.1: Properties of Different Soaps Test Alkalinity Foam Emulsifying properties X? X² From the procedure Hard Water Reactions Lab-prepared Soap = fx Commercial Soap Commercial Detergent 8. Add 5 mL of each solution in the beakers to 3 separate, clean test tubes, for a total of 9 test tubes. 9. Add 20 drops of 1% CaCl? to 1 test tube of each solution. Then add 20 drops of 1% MgCl? to another test tube of coch solution and 20 drops of 1% FOOL to a third toot tube of cach colution Tx From the procedure Hard Water Reactions 8. Add 5 mL of each solution in the beakers to 3 separate, clean test tubes, for a total of 9 test tubes. 9. Add 20 drops of 1% CaCl? to 1 test tube of each solution. Then add 20 drops of 1% MgCl2 to another test tube of each solution and 20 drops of 1% FeCl3 to a third test tube of each solution. Virtual Hard Water Reactions 1% CaCl2 1% MgCl2 1% FeCl3 Lab-prepared soap There is less foam, the water is cloudy, and there are some visible white specks of solid. The foam is unchanged The foam is unchanged Commercial soap There is less foam and the water is cloudy, but no visible solid. The foam is unchanged There is less foam and the water is cloudy, but no visible solid. Commercial Detergent There is less foam, the water is cloudy, and there are some visible white specks of solid. There is less foam, the water is cloudy, and there are some visible white specks of solid. There is less foam, the water is cloudy, and there are some visible tan colored specks of solid. (9pts) Complete the following table with your observations and results from each test. You should include a detailed description of what you saw, as well as what conclude from the test. Normal BIU 1% CaCl2 1% MgCl2 1% FeCl3 Report Table SO.2: Hard Water Tests on Different Soaps Hard water tests Lab-prepared Soap X? X² (11pts) Summary (10pts) = fx| Commercial Soap ||? Commercial Detergent Saved Tx (11 pts) Summary (10pts) Summarize the information you have gathered from the tests for your soap and the commercial soap and detergent. How do you think your soap performs in comparison to the commercial products? Why you do think this is? Normal : BIU X?|X²| Normal : (1pts) Give your feedback on what went well, what you learned, and what you could improve upon next time. X?|X²|? BIU = (1 pts) Notebook Pages = fx| = fx | ||† ||? Tx Tx

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Solution:- Summarisation : We are studying about the different types of soaps - laboratory prepared soap, commercial soap and commercial detergent. All of them are very similar in their actions but different in the preparation (compound used). All th
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