17. Example: The Blue Bus stops every 10 minutes. The Green Bus stops every 20 minutes. Both busse ...
17. Example: The Blue Bus stops every 10 minutes. The Green Bus stops every 20 minutes. Both busses stop at King 1 point Street Station. The Blue Bus has twice as many stops as the Green Bus. Proposed Assumption: The two busses never stop at King Street Station at the same time True Insufficient Data False
18. Example: All Real Estate assets are either very large or located in central areas but not both. While no apartment is 1 point without air-conditioning, all air conditioned RE assets are substantial. Proposed Assumption: RE assets that are located in central areas are not apartments Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow 19. Example: Bonds and stocks are both securities, which differ in that stockholders bought and own a share in the 1 point company. Whereas bondholders lend money to company owners. Another difference is that bonds have a defined term, after which the bond is redeemed by the owners, whereas stocks may be outstanding indefinitley. I invested money into company C's stocks. Proposed Assumption: I didn't lend money to company C. Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow