15. More on the time value of money Ueyt is a divarce attorney aho practices tow in Florida. He wants to yein the American Divorce Lamyers Association (ADLA)i a profetitional argatization for divorce attorneys. The membership dues for the ADIA are 3650 per year and mist be paid at the beginring of each year. for insterie, miembership does for the first year are paid today, and dues for the second year are pyrable one year from teday. However, the ADLA also has an option for members to buy a lifetime membershb today for 47,000 and never heve to osy annuar membership dues: Dbyiousl, the Ifetime membership isnt a gecd desi it you only remwin a member for a couple of years, but if you remain a member for so years, it's a great deal, Suppose that the appropriate annual interest rate is \( 59 \% \). What is the minimum number of years that Loyd must remain a member ef the ADLA so that the lifetime membership is cheoper (on a present value basis) than paying 3550 in athuat memberthip dues? (Note: Round your. answer up to the nearest yeac). 21 years 16 years 13 years 14 years In 1626, Dutehman Peter Minut purchased Manhattan Islond from a local Mative American vibe. Historitess estimate that the peice he caid for the would be sold for 124 , but you need to consider the Nutwe value (P) O that price in mare current times. If the i2s purchase price coid hawe been invested at a \( 5,75 \% \) annual interest rate, what is its value as of 2018 (39) yeans beter)?
My Home Chos: Assignment-Time Value of Money Rental Opeions College Success 7ips 21 years Career Success Ips 16 years 13 years 14 years Give Feedback itiand was about 524 worth of goods, including beads, tinkets, doth, ketties, and awe heads. Many people find z laughable that Martutian laiand would be sold for 524 , but you need to consider the Nure vale (F) at that price in more current times. If the 524 purchase price couls hwse been inverted at a \( 5.75 \% \) annuat interest tate, what is its value as of 2018 (392 vears ister)? \( 3104,398,097,260,87 \) \( \$ 90,952,887,765.15 \) 579,089,467.621,.87 \( \$ 67,226,047,478.59 \)