(Solved): 12.4 Show limsup(sn+tn)limsupsn+limsuptn for bounded sequences (sn) and (tn). ...
12.4 Show limsup(sn?+tn?)?limsupsn?+limsuptn? for bounded sequences (sn?) and (tn?). Hint: First show sup{sn?+tn?:n>N}?sup{sn?:n>N}+sup{tn?:n>N}. Then apply Exercise 9.9(c). Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 19.21... (i) ???? 9.9 Suppose there exists N0? such that sn??tn? for all n>N0?. (a) Prove that if limsn?=+?, then limtn?=+?. (b) Prove that if limtn?=??, then limsn?=??. (c) Prove that if limsn? and limtn? exist, then limsn??limtn?.