Home / Expert Answers / Chemistry / 12-1-the-global-hydrological-cycle-is-driven-by-solar-evaporation-of-water-on-land-and-sea-calcul-pa503

(Solved): 12.1. The global hydrological cycle is driven by solar evaporation of water on land and sea. Calcul ...

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12.1. The global hydrological cycle is driven by solar evaporation of water on land and sea. Calculate the solar energy required to drive the global hydrological cycle using the data in Figure 12.1, and assuming that heat of evaporation of water (both salt and fresh) at (the average global temperature) is . Compare your answer with the value given in Figure 6.1 (Section 6.2). Compare it to the global anthropogenic primary energy consumption in 2007 (Table 7.1). Figure 6.2 Arctic sea ice in versus . The average sea ice between 1979 and 2005 is designated by the dotted line. Image courtesy of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder. TABLE \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Sources & \\ \hline Energy radiated by the sun into space & \\ \hline Solar energy incident on earth & 54.4 \\ \hline Solar energy affecting earth's climate and biosphere & 38.1 \\ \hline Energy taken up in global evaporation of water & 12.5 \\ \hline Energy in wind & 0.109 \\ \hline Solar energy taken up in photosynthesis & 0.0850 \\ \hline Energy taken up in net primary production & 0.0430 \\ \hline Energy conducted from earth's interior to its surface & 0.0100 \\ \hline Total primary energy consumed by humans, 2007 & 0.00509 \\ \hline Energy content of fossil fuels consumed, 2007 & 0.00439 \\ \hline Energy in tides and waves & 0.00130 \\ \hline Total energy consumed in United States, 2007 & 0.00107 \\ \hline Energy content of food consumed by humans, 2007 & 0.000290 \\ \hline \end{tabular}

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