(Solved): 1.) Use the Multiple Regression procedure in SPSS to estimate the following model: Dependent Variab ...
1.) Use the Multiple Regression procedure in SPSS to estimate the following model: Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat. Predictors: Household income level, Age, Level of education - These are the independent variables, Note there are 3 independent variables to be included in model at the same time. For Method use "Enter". You will need the VIF and Cook's Distance(See the screenshots). a.) Discuss the following: R2, R, Overall F-test, VIF and Cook's Distance. Do the last 2 indicate any issues to be addressed? Why or why not? b.) Which of the sig. IVs are most important in influencing the dependent var? Why?
[Dataset1] L; \Tueel_Louig|DATAlAuto Concepts.sav Variables Entered/Removed \( { }^{\mathrm{a}} \) a. Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat. b. All requested variables entered. Model Summary a. Predictors: (Constant), Level of education, Age, Household income level b. Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat.
a. Dependent Variable: Gicooal watming its a teal threat. b. Predictors: (Constarth, Level of education. Age, Housohold inoorne itvel Coefficients \( ^{a} \) Coefficients \( ^{a} \) a. Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat.
Collinearity Diagnostics \( ^{\text {A }} \) Collinearity Diagnostics \( ^{a} \) a. Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat. Residuals Statistics \( { }^{a} \) a. Dependent Variable: Global warming is a real threat.